2025.03-04 Space Vibes Pic.jpg

2025.03-04 Space Vibes Scan.jpg

I promote my Space Vibes Sketchoscopes throughout the covered period by explaining each panel. I post the explainers around the date of the panels in question. I’ll collect them all here. They might be out of order because of longer transits so to make it clear, as needed, the most recent explainer will be highlighted thusly.

Venus Retrograde

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Venus stationed retrograde on March first. She’ll be moving backwards through our skies until April 12th.

A month and a half of space activity is hard to summarize in 4.5 square inches.

The theme of Rash Commitments is a play on Pisces (deep devotion) and Aries (impulsiveness).

Tattooing someone’s face on your stomach seems like an Aries way to show commitment.

Venus will sextile Pluto three times during her retrograde cycle (from January 28th to May 16th).

Sextiles have a Venusian quality to them. Making three Venusian aspects while she’s in impulsive Aries made Pluto the prime candidate.

I laughed when the idea for this scene came to mind so I was gonna do it for sure. I don’t know why but Venus saying “Look!” is the funniest part to me.

That specific “Look” might be the funniest word I’ve ever written.

Sun Squares Jupiter and Trines Mars

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The Sun squared Jupiter on March 2nd and trined Mars today March 8th.

The Sun, Mars and Jupiter all move slowly enough that I felt comfortable combining everything into one event.

Jupiter tends to believe whatever he hears when he’s in Gemini.

Mars in Cancer tends to lash out. Like a volcano that stammers in silence and then erupts everywhere (or so I’ve heard 😇).

The Sun in Pisces squaring Jupiter in Gemini is like “deciding that it is true”.